The Traveling Steve's


Overnight Layover at Houston (IAH Airport Marriott) En Route to Doha
Overnight Layover at Houston (IAH Airport Marriott) En Route to Doha

Overnight Layover at Houston (IAH Airport Marriott) En Route to Doha

It’s Wednesday March 13th, and I’m writing this from our flight from Charlotte (CLT) to Houston (IAH) on American Airlines flight.  We started our day with a nice buffet breakfast at the Orlando Hyatt Regency where we stayed last night. …

Dining and touring The Boar’s Head Resort Charlottesville
Dining and touring The Boar’s Head Resort Charlottesville

Dining and touring The Boar’s Head Resort Charlottesville

On our last day in Charlottesville, Steve (DOS) and I drove up to the Boar’s Head Resort for lunch. I had always wanted to stay there, but even having a meal sounded nice so we ended up making a a…

Touring Wineries in Charlottesville VA
Touring Wineries in Charlottesville VA

Touring Wineries in Charlottesville VA

After leaving Roanoke, we stayed in Charlottesville, Virginia for four nights. Charlottesville is a two hour drive from Roanoke, and is a good stop-over for us when we are taking the Auto Train home from Lorton, Virginia, which is also…

Day tour of Monticello
Day tour of Monticello

Day tour of Monticello

Our Charlottesville mini-getaway continues with a visit to the mountainside estate of Monticello, home of the third U.S. President, Thomas Jefferson (link to Monticello’s official site). While DOS and I have both been to Monticello previously and separately, it was…

Touring Charlottesville Wineries in a Tesla!
Touring Charlottesville Wineries in a Tesla!

Touring Charlottesville Wineries in a Tesla!

On our second day in Charlottesville, DOS and I took a 5 hour wine tour to three of the nearby wineries. According to the website Monticello Wine Trail, there are some 35 wineries along the wine trail in the mountains…