The Traveling Steve's

Occupational Therapy

Discharge Day! Class Dismissed!
Discharge Day!  Class Dismissed!

Discharge Day! Class Dismissed!

Note: Wow am I behind in posting with this blog! Since we’ve been home from Singapore, I’ve been in 2 hospitals for a total of 20 days, including the latest Rehab hospital for 10 days. I thought I had posted this already but…

Hospitals around the World! Happy January 2024!
Hospitals around the World! Happy January 2024!

Hospitals around the World! Happy January 2024!

Today is Tuesday January 31th, and I’be been in a Rehabilitation Hospital (for Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy) in the Orlando area for the last 10 days. I was previously in the Oviedo Medical Center for 10 days as well;…