The Traveling Steve's

Open heart surgery

Hot Summer Days, COVID, and ICD Implant (re-scheduled)!
Hot Summer Days, COVID, and ICD Implant (re-scheduled)!

Hot Summer Days, COVID, and ICD Implant (re-scheduled)!

This is just a quick post as I’ve been away from blogging for several weeks. Nothing to report much in this post on the travel front, but in the next post I’m working on a write-up of our recent cruise…

Touring Around Seattle Before Taking The Amtrak Empire Builder Train Home!
Touring Around Seattle Before Taking The Amtrak Empire Builder Train Home!

Touring Around Seattle Before Taking The Amtrak Empire Builder Train Home!

After a long and eventful trip to Seattle (previous post), Steve DOS and I slept well the first night at the Hyatt Olive 8 Hotel in Seattle. This hotel is part of the Hyatt Chain and directly across the street…

Happy Fourth of July! Summer of 2023
Happy Fourth of July! Summer of 2023

Happy Fourth of July! Summer of 2023

It’s actually now the 6th of July, and I’m quite a bit behind in posting. On the last post we were on the Mariner of the Seas, and since then we’ve been enjoying the hot Florida summer, mostly at home.…

Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day from The Orlando Airport!
Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day from The Orlando Airport!

Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day from The Orlando Airport!

OK, so it’s only a month late, but Happy belated Valentine’s Day! Hope everyone had a delightful and loving day with their family and/or significant other. Here’s a happy little fun gift I gave Steve (DOS) for Valentine’s. We haven’t…

February Days at Home and around Central Florida
February Days at Home and around Central Florida

February Days at Home and around Central Florida

After so many years of traveling for work and leisure, it’s been nice being retired and home for a few weeks. Steve (DOS) and I both have enjoyed relaxing and catching up errands around the house, visiting with friends, neighbors,…

Happy New Year From The Steve’s!
Happy New Year From The Steve’s!

Happy New Year From The Steve’s!

I’m a bit behind in posting this year as it’s now already January 8th, 2023, so I’ll start by saying Happy New Year! I hope everyone is doing well, and am sending best wishes to all for a wonderful year…

Pre-Christmas Recovery 2022
Pre-Christmas Recovery 2022

Pre-Christmas Recovery 2022

It’s now Thursday, December 22nd as I write this, and I’m doing much better since I last wrote. I am writing this from the passenger seat while Steve (DOS) is driving us on our first pre-hospital getaway since our two…

I’ll Be Home for Christmas! And Thanksgiving too!
I’ll Be Home for Christmas! And Thanksgiving too!

I’ll Be Home for Christmas! And Thanksgiving too!

It’s now December 1st as I write this from our home in the Orlando area. We’re going easy on the Christmas decorations this year due to my recovery, energy levels, and lifting restrictions, but fortunately we leave the outdoor Christmas…

Sleepless in Seattle!
Sleepless in Seattle!

Sleepless in Seattle!

Just a quick update to the blog as it’s been almost 2 months since I last posted from Vancouver, just prior to our Princess Alaska cruise. I will post more later but in the coming days and weeks, but unfortunately…