The Traveling Steve's

Penthouse 6148

Full Panama Canal Transit Thru The New Locks on The Caribbean Princess!
Full Panama Canal Transit Thru The New Locks on The Caribbean Princess!

Full Panama Canal Transit Thru The New Locks on The Caribbean Princess!

Steve (DOS) and I recently did a full transit thru the new Panama Canal locks aboard the Caribbean Princess on a 15 night cruise from Ft. Lauderdale to San Francisco. We had a wonderful time, and I’m just now getting…

Valentine’s Day on Celebrity Constellation in Penthouse 6147
Valentine’s Day on Celebrity Constellation in Penthouse 6147

Valentine’s Day on Celebrity Constellation in Penthouse 6147

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!  No, I wish I were back on the Constellation today, but this post is a memory of our Valentine’s from 3 years ago.   I logged onto Facebook this morning and saw I had memories of…

Cruising thru the Panama Canal
Cruising thru the Panama Canal

Cruising thru the Panama Canal

So I’m a bit tardy getting the Panama Canal post below ‘posted’, but I’ve been quite busy since we got back from vacation; mostly traveling for work.  I wrote the following post while aboard the ship but delayed posting it…