The Traveling Steve's


Staying in Daytona Beach Shores while my roof is replaced!
Staying in Daytona Beach Shores while my roof is replaced!

Staying in Daytona Beach Shores while my roof is replaced!

My roof was damaged last year during Hurricane Irma, and I’ve been patiently waiting nearly a year to get it replaced.  While I didn’t have the extensive damage I had back in 2004 when it was last replaced, (thanks to…

Hurricane Irma – a Week Later . . .
Hurricane Irma – a Week Later . . .

Hurricane Irma – a Week Later . . .

I’ve been mostly out of it technology-wise, or else to busy to blog lately due to Hurricane Irma. A quick post to say we are alright, and weathered the storm fairly well. I had some roof shingles come off and…