The Traveling Steve's

Rocking chairs

Mostly Recovered Now. . . Birthday Stay-Cation in The Villages!
Mostly Recovered Now. . . Birthday Stay-Cation in The Villages!

Mostly Recovered Now. . . Birthday Stay-Cation in The Villages!

It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve posted, during which time I’ve been recovering at home from my pacemaker surgery, and generally taking it easy a bit. It’s been nice being home, and not tied up to so many wires in…

Blizzard on The Big Island! No power at Volcano House!
Blizzard on The Big Island! No power at Volcano House!

Blizzard on The Big Island! No power at Volcano House!

I’m writing this offline (no internet at the moment) at the Volcano National Park on the Big Island of Hawaii.  It’s Sunday, December 5th, and we’ve been on the Big Island for four days now.  In what is a moment…

Recovering at Home
Recovering at Home

Recovering at Home

It’s now October 16th as I write this, and I’ve now been home from the hospital for five 1/2 weeks. I’ve surely come a long way recovery-wise since my open heart surgery on September 1rst. When I first got home…

Touring Around a Very Quiet Colonial Williamsburg!
Touring Around a Very Quiet Colonial Williamsburg!

Touring Around a Very Quiet Colonial Williamsburg!

Thanks to COVID-19, Colonial Williamsburg was virtually empty during the weekdays. We had both not been here in years, but as much as we like Williamsburg, we were never keen on the crowds. In this post you will see Williamsburg…