It’s Sunday, October 27th as I write this and we are sailing for the next week on the MSC Seashore, departing from Cape Canaveral. We sailed the MSC Seaside in early October last year, and had such a good time,…

After 3 very rough days at sea on our crossing from Sydney thru the Tasman Sea, we arrived at our first port of call, Picton New Zealand. As our cabin was located in the very aft of our ship, the…
It’s Wednesday March 13th, and I’m writing this from our flight from Charlotte (CLT) to Houston (IAH) on American Airlines flight. We started our day with a nice buffet breakfast at the Orlando Hyatt Regency where we stayed last night. …
It’s now December 31, 2023 as I write this from the Singapore Kris Silver Lounge in Terminal 2 at Singapore Airport. (Sorry for any typos; I didn’t get a change to proof-read this before our flight). Steve (DOS) and I are…
After two short days at home from Jekyll Island, Steve (DOS) and I flew up to Chicago yesterday for the start of our cross-country train trip on the California Zephyr. We postponed this train trip from last January 2021 due…
This week we are in Sarasota finalizing Steve (DOS’s) house before it goes on the market next Monday. It’s both a nostalgic and a bit bittersweet visit for him, as he sells his house of 20 years, but as he…
Since our trip to Roanoke, we’ve made a couple trips back and forth from Orlando to Sarasota lately. Steve (DOS) is looking to sell his home in Sarasota, and is having some major updates made to it to modernize it…
As I write this, Steve (DOS) and I are now in Singapore, after arriving last night. As we are quite busy now sightseeing, catching up on sleep, (SORE!) etc, I’m displaying the next few posts as galleries instead of my…
Last year Steve (DOS) and I traveled to Singapore (Via Helsinki Finland and Canada) for an exciting trip to celebrate the Chinese New Year. We enjoyed it so much, we decided to do it again this year, with a slight…
We spent Saturday night with some friends we had met on the Celebrity South America re-positioning cruise back in 2015 at their beach home in Flagler Beach. Our friends Linda and John are from Ohio, but bought the property a…