The Traveling Steve's

Virgin Voyages

Frigid January Days in Daytona Beach!
Frigid January Days in Daytona Beach!

Frigid January Days in Daytona Beach!

It’s now nearly the end of January, and it’s already been a busy year so far. Steve (DOS) and I reached a 20th anniversary milestone in early January, though we nearly forgot about it as we were preparing for a…

Farewell to the Scarlet Lady and Hello Sarasota!
Farewell to the Scarlet Lady and Hello Sarasota!

Farewell to the Scarlet Lady and Hello Sarasota!

We’re back in Orlando now, and I’m quite a bit behind in posting, but we’ve been quite busy since we got back from the Virgin Voyages cruise. In my last post, we were celebrating our last night aboard Virgin Voyage’s…

Scarlet Lady – Day 4 and at Sea!
Scarlet Lady – Day 4 and at Sea!

Scarlet Lady – Day 4 and at Sea!

Today was the last full day of our Virgin Voyages cruise on the Scarlet Lady, and was a lazy sea day for us aboard. While we normally love sea days, as. Bimini is only 50 miles or so from our…

Scarlet Lady – Day 3 Bimini Bahamas!
Scarlet Lady – Day 3 Bimini Bahamas!

Scarlet Lady – Day 3 Bimini Bahamas!

Welcome to beautiful Bimini, Bahamas! Bimini is the “private island” Virgin Voyages uses for the exclusive use of its sailors (Virgin’s lingo for fellow passengers) when the cruise ship is in port there. While technically not a private island as…

Virgin Voyages: Day 2 Welcome to Key West!
Virgin Voyages: Day 2 Welcome to Key West!

Virgin Voyages: Day 2 Welcome to Key West!

On the second day of our four night Virgin Voyages cruise aboard the Scarlet Lady, I woke up around 9:30am, and heard . . .nothing! Absolutely nothing but quiet silence! We had already docked in Key West earlier in the…

Onward to Miami, Virgin Voyages, and Sarasota!
Onward to Miami, Virgin Voyages, and Sarasota!

Onward to Miami, Virgin Voyages, and Sarasota!

I’m a bit behind in posting due to all of the above; but Steve (DOS) and I arrived in Sarasota yesterday afternoon, for a week’s stay. We just completed our first ever cruise on Virgin Voyages, Scarlet Lady yesterday, which…

Happy Fourth of July! Summer of 2023
Happy Fourth of July! Summer of 2023

Happy Fourth of July! Summer of 2023

It’s actually now the 6th of July, and I’m quite a bit behind in posting. On the last post we were on the Mariner of the Seas, and since then we’ve been enjoying the hot Florida summer, mostly at home.…