As we make our cruise journey from Valparaiso, Chile to Ft. Lauderdale, we will pass thru a couple memorable places: The Equator and the Panama Canal. Yesterday was the crossing of the equator and yes it was quite hot!
Of course no Equator crossing would be complete without the Neptune ceremonial event, which was held pool-side at 2:15pm. We had done this before, so we were not ‘Pollywogs’; i.e the virgin Equator crossing types. No we were true ‘Shellbacks’!
As King Neptune, his wife Tiffany and the other members of his royalty paraded all the way past the throngs of people on deck, the ceremonies began. Quite a silly show, but it’s always quite funny. The crew members get involved as well as passengers and various games are done to invoke laughter from all; i.e. passing an orange down the line of 15 people, without using your hands! Only way is via ‘necking’ and it’s quite hilarious to watch.
Later members got ‘egged’ and ‘floured’ before walking the plank into the pool.
It was quite a fun show, and hopefully my video will come out.