The Traveling Steve's

France River Cruise

France River Cruise on AMA Diago

In June 2014, we took our second river cruise, this time down the Rhine river.  The trip started with a 4 night land stay in Paris, and ended with a 3 night land stay in Barcelona.   In between, we had a wonderful 7 night cruise from Lyon to Arles, France.   AMA Waterways offers outstanding service and the trip was wonderful!


The first video was taken in Lyon, where we embarked on the ship after taking the high-speed train from Paris.

It was billed as a cooking demonstration, but was actually an interactive class where we prepared an appetizer, entree and dessert, all as part of a team.  And, oh – we were even given wine to drink as we cooked!  Me being the novice chef, it was quite fun!



The next video was taken in Avignon, home of the famous bridge and kids song.  After touring the city by day, the Captain drove the boat right by the bridge at night time for a better view, all while the song was playing.


The third video is my favorite, and highlights the overall essence of the French river cruise and the outstanding service that AMA Waterways offers its guests.




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