The Traveling Steve's

Hurricane Harvey devastates Texas – please help!

I’m taking a departure from my normal blog, and asking for your help.  This past weekend, and continuing on even today, the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey has been catastrophic for the greater Houston area, and now moving through Louisiana as well.

I lived in the nearby resort city of Galveston, TX for a year in 1992 as I was on business and working on the phone installation for the large university there, UTMB.  Galveston Island is a short drive from Houston, and being such a flat island is easily flooded.  In 1900 the island was struck by a major hurricane and killed over 6,000 people, possibly as high as 8,000.  A sea wall was rebuilt later to help protect the island.

Since 1992, I’ve returned a couple times in my current job for work, as well as multiple times in Houston itself. As I watch the devastation unfold on our TV, a comfortable 1,200 miles away, I can’t help but remember my own hurricane damage in 2004 from Hurricanes Charley, Francis, and Jean; all within one month.  While it was no where near the damage that is currently going on with Hurricane Harvey, I was still out of my house for over 4 months due to major damage to my home.  And I was one of the lucky ones, as I had great neighbors and contractors who could assist with some of the work that needed to be done, while I stayed at my neighbor’s Kenny and Mary during this time. 

Our hearts and prayers go out to the families of loved ones lost, families displaced, business owners wiped out, and all of the first responders, police, firemen and women, National Guard, local and state leaders, and our President as they render aid in so many needed ways.

I write this web site add-free, and I personally sponsor this blog myself. Any links I provide are ones that I like, usually hotels, restaurants and other travel sites, and I do this voluntarily without any compensation, because I simply like the product or service I received and am glad to promote it.

I ask your help and support for those affected by Hurricane Harvey.  There are many ways to help, but being located far away for most, financially is a quick and easy option.  I started a fundraiser link for Samaritans Purse, which I have supported monthly for years.  Samaritan’s Purse is a Christian based organization provides world-wide support, and is on-site now in Houston providing much needed assistance.  They have many programs for offering help, and unrelated to the Houston tragedy is one of my favorite Christmas traditions; Operation Child which relies on volunteers to pack shoe boxes filled with toys, school supplies, etc, and are delivered worldwide to children who would otherwise have nothing for Christmas.  You can learn more about Operation Child here.

For now though, Samaritan’s Purse needs immediate help due to the devastation of Hurricane Harvey.  If you can help financially, please do. Unlike some organizations requesting money, I am confident that the donations to Samaritan’s Purse will be put to good use.  If you can’t make a donation to them (or any other agency) please say a prayer for those in need.  Many thanks, and God Bless You!


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