The Traveling Steve's

In Memoriam, of Mom:

July 30, 1932 – August 27, 2020

Mom passed away peacefully yesterday with myself, Steve (DOS), my sister Jenni, my brother Andy, and his parter Art by her side. The Good Samaritan Hospice nurse, Toni has checked in with our family daily for the last few days, and compassionately let us know that Mom was near the end.

In her room, right before she passed, I played a couple of songs for Mom, including one of her favorites (actually a Christmas song), Birthday of a King, which includes some of the lyrics “Hallelujah, oh how the Angels sang, Hallelujah . . .” . I played the version by the Talley Trio, but it’s been recorded by others, even Judy Garland. I found this recording on You Tube which is by the Talley Trio; beautiful song!

As the family all looked on at Mom, I next played one of my favorite songs: “There is a Peace”, by Sojourn Music. I have the album but also found this video on You Tube as well. The lyrics are peaceful, and I would often listen to this when I was anxious, or flying on a long trip; it was always calming for me. In Mom’s case the words and music played as she drifted off peacefully. Even though she was unresponsive in the last couple days, the hospice nurses told us the hearing is the last thing to go. I know she could hear this, and passed peacefully while this was playing and we were holding her hand. I can picture my Dad in the room, invisible to us, but taking Mom by the hand into eternity. “Come weary and tired, worn out from light. Step out of the shadows and walk into light. . . There is a peace to settle your soul. There is a peace that’s calling you home . . .”

As Mom peacefully slipped away and Toni looked at us and nodded her head that she was gone, I looked over at that instance and noticed on Mom’s Grandpad tablet, the slide show I had created and had run continuously for a few days. I had uploaded well over a 100 pics, mostly of the family, grandparents, vacations, etc, yet at that moment a beautiful sunset photo taken of the Roanoke Valley and Mountains in the distance was displayed with this song playing, ” and its final words, The Prince of Peace is calling you home.”

I truly believe at that moment Mom saw the light and joined Dad.

Godspeed Mom! We love you so much!

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