Just a quick post to catch up with everyone, after not having posted for a couple months. Yes Steve (DOS) and I are doing well and spending Christmas at home here in Florida. I haven’t posted lately as my MacBook Pro I’ve had for several years finally went out and it wasn’t easy to post from my iPad.
We’ve been busy the last couple months though with a couple trips up north to Virginia, Thanksgiving in Maryland with my sister and her husband, and our annual pre-Christmas trip to Jekyll Island.

Fortunately, Santa (DOS) bought me a new MacBook for Christmas, so I’m writing this quick post before we have our Christmas dinner. I got the 13 inch MacBook Pro, which has a smaller screen than the 16 inch model I really wanted, but DOS could see I was going crazy trying to resurrect my old MacBook, so he got this quicker rather than later.

The reason I wanted (and still do, maybe for next Christmas?) the 16 inch version is obviously it’s larger which makes it easier for video editing, posting etc, but the 16 inch version will not have the new Apple processor chip until late next year, while the 13 inch already has it installed. Without getting technical here on Christmas, Apple is moving its entire platform of products to it’s own Apple chip, (replacing the current Intel chip) which is a huge improvement going forward.
Steve (DOS) actually took me to the Apple store at Florida Mall this week to pick up my MacBook, and the process couldn’t have been easier with the online prepay and barcode they send to your phone for pickup. I am now back online to post, and loving my MacBook. Thanks DOS!

Will write more later, but for now just enjoying the time at home. This Christmas is a bit difficult for us as I lost both my parents this year, and DOS lost his Dad on New Year’s Day. We are thankful for our wonderful family memories over the years and our good health in this year of the COVID. We have enjoyed visiting with friends this season and enjoyed dining outdoors on occasion and walking around looking at the Christmas decorations.

Let me finish with prayers for worldwide peace, comfort, care, and aid for those ailing and/or in need, a cure and elimination of COVID, comfort for those grieving or caring for a loved one, and financial stability to those affected this year. While there are challenges for all regardless of circumstances, let us stay positive with what we have been blessed to have and aim to show kindness and compassion to family, neighbors, co-workers, friends and strangers with love for all of God’s creations. Amen!

Merry Christmas to everyone, and may God Bless You and your Families! Happy Birthday Jesus!