Well, I guess anytime is a good time to get fit, but I picked last week to start getting back in shape. Since I travel most weeks for work, it really makes it hard to eat right, exercise, and stay motivated due to my busy schedule.
Steve (Dos) agreed, and he bought us both Fitbit Surge devices which we both are using and liking quite well. We started using them Memorial Day weekend while we were in Sonoma, but are just now realizing and using the full capabilities of the ‘watch’ unit. No, I don’t work for Fitbit (or any other company I use by name on this blog nor get a commission or favors for), but if I like something, I do like to share it with others. (I also try to stay away from the negatives, unless it’s really bad or ridiculous; i.e. the wine cooler fiasco from yesterday’s post.)
Fitbit has several different types of units, but we compared notes and decided on the Surge, which is their top ‘performance-grade’ model for around $250. (Everyday units start at $59, so it’s affordable, as well as practical for most everyone, although the $99 Flex wristband model is probably a better ‘everyday’ choice.) The Surge model has a couple upgrades not found on the other models, which may or may not be necessary for others. Since I didn’t wear a watch previously (too many electronic devices to tell you time!) I got the Surge, which has a watch and has several other nifty features such as GPS for tracking walks, heartbeat monitor, calories burned, steps climbed, etc, and even records your sleep patterns! It also downloads via Bluetooth to your phone, tablet or computer. (The heartbeat is calculated somehow by the flashing green lights on the underside of the Surge unit.)
The ultimate goal for even the basic Fitbit model is to have you walk 10,000 steps a day. A couple years ago I had the small model that fits on your belt loop, but ended up losing it, and I thing the wrist-band is more accurate anyway.
The Fitbit feature we just started using this week for is the calorie counter, which allows you to manually add your daily calories via the free downloadable App. Who knew how many calories were in such-and-such! Talk about an eye opener! Coupled with this Taylor food scale I had given Steve for Christmas (which we’ve never used until now), we are genuinely trying to eat healthier, and lose some weight, as well as exercise better.
I’ll go on record and say I’m 215 and 5’11, but would like to get down to 185 or so where I used to be not too awfully, awfully long ago. That’s 30 pounds which is quite a bit, but Fitbit has a cool feature in the App that will help you judge how long it will take to do this, based on X amount of calories a day. I chose the more aggressive approach at losing 2 pounds a week, so I should be there by mid-September, just in time for our October Hawaii trip! We actually did very well this weekend, with smaller portions eaten at home, Filtets, salad, broccoli, shrimp, turkey wraps, yougurt and Tuna over the whole weekend. No bread, potatoes, chips, snacks etc, and Steve even measured our five ounce glass of vino with dinner (although I did have two).
Fortunately I am working at home for the next two weeks, so it should give me a good start on the diet plan, and hopefully enough into the routine that when I do travel again later in the month, I won’t pig out on my normal Fast Food!
On another note, since I have some time at home, I’m looking to update some of my old cruise photos on the blog. I was cleaning out the closet and found hundreds, if not thousands of paper photos (i.e. pre-digital) go through and organize. Many photos are from cruise ships no longer sailing, and back in the day when it was an evening after-dinner activity to go view the photo boards with your dinner seat-mates.
To be continued . . . stay fit!