We slept in a bit, and had a nice buffet breakfast at the Grand Hyatt Tampa, where we had stayed last night. We walked around the resort-like property for a while, taking photos with our new iPhone 6S Plus we had purchased yesterday. We experimented quite a bit, trying to figure out the new ‘Live Photo’ feature that records 3 seconds of video in addition to the picture.
The Grand Hyatt Tampa is a wonderful property, and although it’s not technically a resort (it’s right across the freeway from the International Airport), it has a resort-like feel to it as it’s located on Tampa Bay. Also, unlike the Orlando area resorts, there is not a daily resort fee either. We walked about the nature trail taking a few more photos, before getting a late checkout of 2:30pm.
After checking out, we headed back to our next hotel, the Orlando Airport Hyatt, but first stopped to visit our good friends Dennis and Adrianne, from the United Kingdom. I had met them back in 2004 (2 months before I met Steve) when I was on a 14 night Celebrity Millennium Trans-Atlantic cruise from Barcelona to Ft. Lauderdale. I was traveling solo at the time and was seated at their table, and we became instant friends. Now 11 years later, we still keep in touch and they have visited the States regularly. We stopped by their home they had recently sold, but are renting it back for a couple months before they head home.
Adrianne and Dennis are so active – (they will be celebrating their 54th anniversary next week) and are always traveling somewhere. In January they will taking a 120 night World Cruise on the Queen Victoria leaving from Southhampton. I am so envious – that has been my dream to one day take a World Cruise. DOS, not so much so, even though he likes cruising -‘Too long he says!’
Anyway, we had a nice visit with Dennis and Adrianne, and she had furnished the home with furnishings from England, and the place (like their home in UK) is immaculate!
Adrianne has a real knack for decorating – everything was so color coordinated. If only our place could be so nice; one of us is a pack-rat! Adrianne fixed us a nice British dinner with Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding among other things – quite a treat! We enjoyed reminiscing, and wished them the best on their cruise – I can’t wait to hear about it – Adrianne promised to keep a journal of their travels. We bid goodbye, taking a selfing in the process, and then DOS and I headed to the Orlando Airport Hyatt.
We checked in and got our favorite room on the 10th floor, with walk-out balcony from which we can watch the planes take off. We headed down to the lounge for a bit and I had a couple brewskis before heading to bed.
‘Twas another wonderful weekend and and a blessing to be able to travel and have lifelong friends! It really is a small world after all!