It’s Sunday night, and we are once again staying at the Hyatt Regency Orlando Airport. Tonight however, the roles are reversed: I (Steve UNO) will be working at home this week, while Steve (DOS) will be traveling for ‘fun’. Steve (DOS) has a 6:30am flight, so we’re enjoying our quick overnight stay in anticipation of his trip.
Why is Steve (DOS) traveling out so early and by himself? Well, he will be posting next and can explain this. Up until now, I’ve been doing most of the posts, but I’ve tasked DOS with writing the blog this week, as he’s on an exciting journey.
We checked into the Hyatt around 4pm, and our usual room on the 10th floor was not available, but fortunately we got an identical room on the 8th floor. As always, we enjoy the view of the planes from our balcony overlooking the pool and runways.
After walking around the airport terminal a bit, we had a nice dinner in McCoy’s restaurant on the 4th floor of the Hyatt. While dining, I ‘trained’ DOS a bit on the basis of blogging. He agreed to try this out this week, so hopefully we can follow him on his series of flights this upcoming week.
Now it’s 7:45pm and we’re having a quick nightcap in the lounge, and he’s downloading a couple pics we took today. He’s using a Surface Pro laptop and I’m using a MACbook Pro, so there’s a bit of learning curve for both of us!
Anyway, I’m looking forward to working at home this week, while DOS is looking forward to his many travels. So this is a Steve (DOS) send-away week and I wish him safe and happy travels, as well as some insightful blog bits!
Happy travels DOS!