The Traveling Steve's

Orlando Convention Center

Stay-Cation in Orlando Hyatt Regency Convention Center
Stay-Cation in Orlando Hyatt Regency Convention Center

Stay-Cation in Orlando Hyatt Regency Convention Center

Continuing with our mini Stay-Cation’s this year, we stayed at the Hyatt Regency at the Orlando Convention Center this week for four nights. Our purpose is two-fold: one to re-qualify for our Hyatt Globalist status (which requires 60 nights a…

Back to work . . . first flight of 2016
Back to work . . . first flight of 2016

Back to work . . . first flight of 2016

As the expression goes, all good things come to an end, and going back to work after a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s break was one of them. Yes, it’s a New Year in 2016, and back to the daily…

Staycation in Orlando
Staycation in Orlando

Staycation in Orlando

This summer Dos and I have been doing a few mini getaways; basically just overnight or weekend ‘staycations’ close to home.  While I travel most weeks for work and it can be hectic, the weekend getaways are quite relaxing by…