G’day Mate! Welcome to Sydney and our guided tour of the Sydney Opera House! We will also be touring around a bit on our own to the surrounding areas at the Circular Quay Marina and Rocks area located close-by here,…

G’day Mate! Welcome to Sydney and our guided tour of the Sydney Opera House! We will also be touring around a bit on our own to the surrounding areas at the Circular Quay Marina and Rocks area located close-by here,…
Our trip back to Orlando was much easier than our two night journey getting down to Mendoza. Fortunately unlike our outbound trip (which left right before Hurricane Irma was to strike and we had overnight flight delays), going home, all…
We finally arrived to Mendoza on Sunday (Labor Day Weekend) after traveling from Orlando since Friday. The last couple posts detailed the flight delays we had on American Airlines, however as Murphy’s Law would again have it, we had one…
This is our third trip to Mendoza, and as we did on the last two trips, we took wine tours for a couple days with Vendimia Wine Tours. Leo is the owner of Vendimia, and we used him the last…